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Experiências similares
Underground London: Walking Tour
Este produto foi recém adicionado - já é possível reserva-lo e as informações estarão disponíveis em português em breve!
Discover the history and heritage of the world’s first underground train network. Join us for a 2 hour guided tour of London's underground.
- Hear the secrets and gossip in the story behind ‘the Tube’
- See unique and amazing parts of London’s major tube stations
- Visit some of the disused underground stations & hear of their past
- Learn how the underground transformed London
- Borrow a VOX Personal Audio Headset & never miss a word
O que posso esperar?
Explore London's Underground
On this interesting 2 hour guided walking tour, you'll get the unique chance to explore London's fascinating underground. Hear the secrets and gossip in the story behind ‘the Tube’. See amazing parts of London’s major tube stations, which normally are not noticeable as you travel the city on your own.
You'll also get to visit the exterior of some of the disused underground stations and hear of their incredible past and learn how the underground transformed London from a choked up gridlocked smog filled city to a modern and efficient capital.
On this interesting 2 hour guided walking tour, you'll get the unique chance to explore London's fascinating underground. Hear the secrets and gossip in the story behind ‘the Tube’. See amazing parts of London’s major tube stations, which normally are not noticeable as you travel the city on your own.
You'll also get to visit the exterior of some of the disused underground stations and hear of their incredible past and learn how the underground transformed London from a choked up gridlocked smog filled city to a modern and efficient capital.
Como funciona?
How do I get my tickets?
Shortly after your booking is complete your e-ticket will be sent directly to your email. Please print it out and bring it on your tour.
Where does the tour begin?
Meet your guide outside the Lost Property office next to Baker Street underground station.
How long is the tour?
The tour lasts 2 hours.
Categorias de ingressos
Adult (17+)
Child (3-16)
Não incluído:
- Travel card is not included with this tour. This tour has elements where you will require to use London Underground. Please ensure you have a valid travel card before joining the tour.
Confirmação instantânea
Aceita voucher eletrônico
Guia de turismo
Duração: 2 horas
O que está incluído?
- 2 hour walking tour with expert guide
- VOX Personal Audio Headset to ensure you never miss a word of your guide’s commentary

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