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Experiências similares
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em Tour Big Bus de Paris, sáb, 8 Fev 2025 - sáb, 7 Fev 2026a partir de € 39,10
2. Louvre - Priority access to Mona Lisa
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3. Torre Eiffel: Acesso reservado ao 2.º andar
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4. Dinner Cruise at 6:45 PM. Incl. Window table and Champagne
em Dinner Cruise La Marina - 18:45 incl window Table and Champagne, dom, 9 Fev 2025 - sex, 31 Out 2025a partir de € 116,50
5. Museu do Louvre: ingresso sem filas
em Museu do Louvre: ingresso sem filas, sáb, 8 Fev 2025 - qua, 30 Abr 2025a partir de € 28,10
6. Torre Eiffel: Acesso reservado ao 3.º andar
em Torre Eiffel, seg, 10 Fev 2025 - qui, 8 Mai 2025a partir de € 41,60
7. Torre Eiffel: Acesso reservado ao 3.º andar pelas escadas
em The Eiffel Tower, dom, 9 Fev 2025 - ter, 6 Mai 2025a partir de € 39,30
8. Torre Eiffel: Acesso reservado ao 2.º andar pelas escadas
em The Eiffel Tower, dom, 9 Fev 2025 - ter, 6 Mai 2025a partir de € 23,60
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Experiências similares
Eiffel Tower: Lunch on the 1st floor
Este produto foi recém adicionado - já é possível reserva-lo e as informações estarão disponíveis em português em breve!
Eiffel Tower: Lunch at Madame Brasserie on the 1st floor
- Avoid the long lines at the Eiffel Tower
- Lunch at Madame Brasserie at the 1st floor of the Eiffel Tower
- Your ticket incl. lift to the floors at the Eiffel Tower
- Incl. a glass of champagne
O que posso esperar?
Enjoy a truly unique experience on the 1st floor of the Eiffel Tower while admiring breathtaking panoramic views of the Paris skyline: Montmartre and the Sacré-Coeur, the Invalides, the Champ-de-Mars, the Champs-Elysées and the Arc de Triomphe!
Feel the thrill of the glass floor and explore the history of the Eiffel Tower before tasting a delicious French style lunch at the Eiffel Tower.
Discover the local cuisine of Chef Thierry Marx in his contemporary and warm brasserie.
Please click HERE to see an example of the menu.
Como funciona?
How do I get my tickets?
Shortly after your booking is complete, your e-ticket sent directly to your email. Mobile tickets are accepted.
Please be at the meeting address 10 min. before the tour starts. The meeting address is very close to the Eiffel Tower and will be clearly shown on your e-ticket. Here you meet your guide who will escort you to the Eiffel Tower, and make sure you get priority access to the Eiffel Tower. It is important that you show up at the exact meeting address at least 10 min. before departure time, as the guide cannot wait for late arrivals.
How long can I stay in the Eiffel Tower?
You can stay for as little or as long as you like.
Is there a dress code?
Yes, the dress code is casual and business casual. Tie, suits or dress are optional. Jeans, shorts, sneakers are not permitted.
Informações importantes
- Our guide will make sure you get priority access to the lifts, with minimum waiting time. However you cannot skip the lines at the security check, this is mandatory. Here you can expect some waiting time to get through the security check, this cannot be avoided.
Categorias de ingressos
Adult (12+)
Child (3-11)
Infant (0-2): Free of charge
Please check the booking calendar for date and time.
Não incluído:
- Access to the 2nd and 3rd floor of the Eiffel Tower.
By lift
Confirmação instantânea
Aceita voucher eletrônico
Poupe tempo - salte as filas
Duração: 2 horas
Please check the booking calendar for date and time.
O que está incluído?
- Skip the line-ticket to the Eiffel Tower.
- Lunch on the 1st floor of the Eiffel Tower.
- Incl. a glass of champagne
- Coffee or tea and water are incl. at your dinner
- Selected drinks, wine, beer and soft drinks are incl. during your dinner

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